
Intellectual Adventures

Well, my goal to post frequently while I'm here in the Twin Cities has not been fulfilled, as after five hours of critical theory every day, I'm intellectually exhausted. All I really seem to be able to do is check Twitter feeds, watch Iron Chef, and stare at the reading I have to do and pretend that I'm actually comprehending it.

Class has been really great, and hopefully I'll write about that later. I had a great meal with friends from school last night at this delicious restaurant located in the very cool Uptown neighborhood, which Chris and I will be exploring next week with cameras in tow. My fortune cookie said, "You're going to meet someone new and interesting.Unfortunately, he'll be your new meth dealer." Really? I can't say I'm sad to be out of the St Louis heat; the weather here really hasn't been over 80, and people are out and about everywhere in this great city.

Speaking of, Chris is on his way up tomorrow, and I can't wait. Really, seriously, sappily, I don't sleep well at all unless he is next to me, and he's my partner in crime, so things are much more fun when he is around. We've plans to camp Saturday and Sunday and bike a bunch, assuming the bikes don't fall off the car between here and the Lou. Then, more class next week and bumming around the city before and after.

Ooh, I missed something exciting, but sad, last night at home. Our neighbor across the street's house burned down (yes, that neighbor, if you were at last year's Trivia Night). Well, it didn't burn down, per se, but the entire inside burned up and it's all boarded up. That sucks pretty hard.

Also, while I've been here I've been posting to this Flickr group called "A Day In The Life", started by Dana. Here's two of my photos. One is my crap spread out on my guest bedroom bed. The other is Elijah, my host's dog, who looks like Sprocket from Fraggle Rock. Check out everyone else's pix if you so desire.


Anonymous said...

I hate to tell you this, but actually the weather has been mostly delightful in St. Louis the past week!

a.eye said...

I was going to say the same thing gregg said. I was actually almost cold the other evening.

Fraggle Rock!!! My sister said they are thinking of making a movie of that shit.

Glad you are cool. Glad your boo will be joining you soon.

KBO said...

I know! When Chris called me yesterday after mowing at 2, I was fairly certain it was nice.

It's great to have bearable summer weather, wherever you are.

Anonymous said...

OHMYGODILOVETHATDOG! Will you steal it and bring it home for me? Thanks.

Crafty and Crap said...

Fwagglesss...i may have a season or 3 on dvd....The trash heap was so boobilicious....

Anonymous said...

i am totally loving "when you are engulfed..."